Wellington is Good for Creativity

Since arriving here, I have started writing six new songs. I have finished a song which I have been struggling with for over 5 years. I have made some progress on at least two other old pieces, including an instrumental. There are four open mic events per week (that I know of so far), and I've been trying to use them as motivation to finish off some of my songs. It provides me with a nice cycle of potential deadlines to meet in order to perform some of my original music.

The weekend has been particularly productive. I keep trying to go back to the stuff I wrote down in the last few days, with the intention of working on some lyrics. Instead, I get my guitar in my hands, and something new happens, and I've started another song. And I'm not going to complain about it. I'll let the flood of musical ideas come out, and worry about the lyrics when I have an overwhelming urge to write lyrics. I never like to force my writing too much. Just...nudge it when it's feeling too cautious to proceed.


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