
My name is Ryan Holaday, and I am a musician and a writer. I record and perform as a solo musician, and also produce music for video games and film, provided that the project in question interests me. I have just finished 8 long years at the University of Saskatchewan, completing Bachelor's Degrees in English Literature and Music Theory and Composition. Now that I'm done with school, I am keeping busy with musical projects in all different genres, including art song, hip hop, electronica, rock, and acoustic folk music.

I want to provide my solo music for free, because I want to share it with as many people as possible. By putting a price on recorded music, an artist creates a barrier between their music and any potential listener. I wish to get rid of that barrier, and instead make money off of live performances, merchandise, and voluntary donations. I enjoy the open-source model of software distribution, and wish to adopt a similar approach to my own music.

For questions, commissions, or collaborative project proposals, please send emails to:
ryan.holaday [at]