So Many Separate Projects...

Lately I have been keeping myself busy with a bunch of different artistic endeavours. I arranged a two-song medley of "Idioteque" by radiohead and "Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles, and performed the set alongside Cody Kurz and Melissa Gan (double bass and violin respectively). It was a lot of fun, and I really liked the sound of that ensemble. I have a few other songs that I want to arrange for that group, and I hope to drag them both out to an open mic night at Lydia's some time soon.

I have also performed alongside Nolto a few times lately. I still don't know what the general reception is to acoustic hip hop. Once we get a few more tracks ready, I hope to film a performance of ours, and record it as a live album. Slowly, but surely, that project is creeping towards its intended goal.

In addition, I feel really good about the progress we've made on a movie by Five Stones Films. Every time I go through it, I feel less and less compelled to make any changes. The opening scene has already been shot, and you can see an example of it here.

In general, it has been rare for me to consistently make progress on this many projects at once. Normally, I want to do a number of things, but only one gets worked on at a time. The first that I truly started artistic multitasking was in New Zealand, where I had the time to do so. I've proven to myself that I can actually work on a number of things at once, and that I actually truly enjoy bouncing from one project to the next as my interests change. It is clear to me that I have been persistently more prolific since my trip abroad.

Thanks, New Zealand!

P.S. I miss your chocolate bars.


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